[Ansteorra-archery] Combat Archery Baldars

Sjonna Whitsitt avalon_remembered at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 20 18:13:24 PDT 2003

Greetings All --

Okay, how on earth am I supposed to get combat archery
started with my group when everytime I get a store of
supplies things are changed and re-arranged.  This is
getting awfully expensive for a game.

I am almost better off just hitting people with
sticks, rather than hurling fiberglass ...
it's less expensive and more consistant.

How about someone putting together the basic "Combat
Archery Kit -- approved, we swear on feality this
really is approved and you can play with it for more
than one war".   I understand the need for safety, but
can we not come up with tests that make everyone happy
up front -- Just a thought ...

Bianca Sereni
Namron Archery Marshal
Wanna be combat archer -- but probably just staying
with being a Stick Jockey

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