LD.BLACKMOON ld.blackmoon at gbronline.com
Mon Dec 22 13:32:52 PST 2003


i was wondering why the ansteorran royal huntsman tourney is only advertised on the kingdom archery page ( under " news , notes, and policy ) .

 the dec. black star doesn't list it , 
the kingdom calendar web page doesn't list it , 
the event web page and blackstar ad don't mention it ...
( kingdom arts and sciences / ansteorran tribute  )
seems it would attract  more people if it was better advertised ..

is there anything we as marshals and archers can do to spread the word more ???

sorry if this stirs things up , 
but i personally enjoy shooting against the best archers this kingdom has to offer ..( even if i don't win  ;) 

be safe , be happy, have fun 
arthur blackmoon
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