[Ansteorra-archery] Academy of the Bow

Rumil Fletcher rumil at prodigy.net
Tue May 6 08:45:24 PDT 2003

Greetings unto the Archer's List:

There are still has some slots open for teachers at Academy of the
Bow coming up this June 27 - 29.  All you good gentles who are
members of the Arcus Majoris, or King's Archers, please consider
sharing some of your hard earned skills and experience with others at
this year's Academy.  But you do not have to have an archery award to
teach.  All you need is a desire to share your skills with others.


Earl Barn SIlveraxe
reihla at aol.com			(email)
(405) 206-9055 			(cell phone)

Those of you who have already agreed to teach, you need to get your
handouts and papers to the Proceedings Editor as soon as possible.
Do not wait until the last minute.


HL Alexander Ravenshaw
alexravenshaw at sbcglobal.net	(email)
(405) 314-2142			(phone)

Rumil Fletcher

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