[Ansteorra-archery] Steppes Warlord Bowman's and Children's Archery Tournaments

jspinks at ix.netcom.com jspinks at ix.netcom.com
Sun Apr 11 15:53:14 PDT 2004

>From the Artisan & Merchant's Household of Phelonius Arkham 
  I bid you greetings.
  Well aware of the potential for brigandry and robbers on various 
  caravan and trade routes throughout the Kingdom, House Arkham 
  has grown concerned that there may not be sufficient skilled archers 
  in the Kingdom of Ansteorra to provide adequate protection to our 
  far flung interests.  Additionally, military demands for additional archers have
  further depleted the ranks of those available to protect our varied 
  interests as we trade in the farther reaches of the Kingdom.   For 
  these reasons House Arkham wishes to encourage and improve the
  talent of those archers of Ansteorra whose skill or experience does 
  not yet rank them among the more well known archers of our 
  Their Excellencies Qadi 'abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hikim and Contessa 
  Valeria Richila Navarro of the Steppes have most graciously allowed 
  House Arkham to sponsor a Bowman's Tourney (sometimes called 
  a novice  tourney) at Steppes Warlord's annual  archery activities. The 
  Bowman's Tourney will be held in the mid afternoon of Saturn's Day. 
  As a merchanting household Arkham well understands the value of 
  material encouragement and therefore offers a wood longbow with 
  period arrows as the prize for this tourney.  Since the purpose is to 
  encourage those whose experience or skill may be lacking we do ask 
  only those having an Ansteorran Royal Ranking or skill level of 
  Bowman or below enter this tourney.  If you have participated in the
  Royal Rounds we ask that you determine your rank over the next couple 
  of weeks by checking your Ansteorran Royal Round standings at
  Failing  that, we ask you be honorable in estimating your skill. 
  Regardless of rank if you have previously won an archery tournament
  we ask that you stand down and cheer your fellow archers on.  The 
  tourney is not age limited providing a guardian is in attendance at 
  the range but the distances shall be located from 20 to 40 paces.   
  The competition shall be point based and consist of a standard Royal 
  Round plus a novelty round with the highest points winning the 
  We would encourage those of other Households, Orders or the 
  Nobility to sponsor our novice archers or participate.   Such 
  sponsorship will be Heralded upon the field.  
  Please note, a limited amount of loaner equipment will be available.
  House Arkham will also sponsor the Steppes' Childrens' Archery 
  Tourney on Sunday morning at 8 am.  Here again we offer a prize of 
  a 20lb fiberglas bow and arrows as encouragement of shooting.  Age 
  range is limited to age 12 and under and guardian must be present for 
  the child to shoot.   Shoot will be fun and point based.  
  Again, only limited loaner gear will be available. 

  Yours in Service
  Lord Jacque the Spink
  Steward to the Household of Phelonius Arkham

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