[Ansteorra-archery] Academy of the Bow Classes

Sylvrfalcn at aol.com Sylvrfalcn at aol.com
Sat Apr 24 16:09:32 PDT 2004

The class list for AoB is growing, but there's still room to fill it out a 
bit if we have folks interested in giving a class. Here's what we have so far;
- Basic longbow making
  -- Materials, tools, and techniques
  -- Instructor: Robert of Yorkshire

- History of Archery
  -- Instructor: James DeWarren

- Range set-up and operation
  -- IKAC, IKCAC, children's, and specialty ranges
  -- Instructor: Gilbert Ost Westley

- Combat Archery
  -- Rules, equipment, tactics, etc.
  -- Instructor: Talon of Black Oak

 If interested in giving a class, please let me know sometime soon regarding 
subject matter, space/time requirements, and any other special considerations. 
Thank you in advance for your participation and support of archery in our 
beloved kingdom of Ansteorra.

Yours in Service,
Robert of Yorkshire

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