[Ansteorra-archery] Stargate Archery Championship shoot...

Pug Bainter pug at pug.net
Tue Mar 30 15:40:39 PST 2004

Greetings unto the Archers of Ansteorra,

  Coming in a few short weeks, the Barony of Stargate will deciding
  their different champions. As their current Archery Champion, it has
  been my pleasure to come up with what I hope is a challenging and
  entertaining shoot for both the archers and audience. It has 
  aspects of several other archery shoots we've seen over the last year.

  The format will be a double elimination head to head bracket tourney
  with the rounds being as follows:

Round 1 : Inverted target          - 6 Arrows w/ Reverse scoring (eg. Gold 1)
Round 2 : Advancing Combat round   - Wounds count, til killing shot
Round 3 : Timed at period target   - As many Arrows w/ 2 White, 4 Green, 8 Gold
Round 4 : String shoot             - 3 Arrows - Shortest distance around
Round 5 : Wand shoot               - 6 Arrows w/ 1 point for hitting the "wand"
Round 6+: TBD on the spot should the occassion arise

Finals for Champion : 2 2D Animals - 3 Arrows @ Each

  The only twist to this is as follows. Any time there is an odd number
  of archers in a bracket, except the first round which will have a
  destructive buy, there be an "elmination" round. This consists of one
  arrow for each archer in the bracket and any archer missing the target
  receives a loss, if there are an odd number of arrows in the target,
  the furthest from the specified mark receives a loss. In the case of
  both brackets having an odd number, the winner's bracket is done first
  in order to even out the loser's bracket.

In Service to Stargate,

Phelim "Pug" Gervase   |  "What about your friends?
Bryn Gwlad - Ansteorra |   They're Defective!
Dark Horde Moritu      |   All the parts are out of stock."
pug at pug.net            |   --Meatloaf
  Note: The views do not reflect the SCA nor the Kingdom of Ansteorra.

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