[Ansteorra-archery] All Archery Marshals - Reports Due

Kingdom Archery Marshal Archery_Marshal at ansteorra.org
Sun Sep 5 14:38:44 PDT 2004

Greetings to all the Local and At-Large Target Archery and Combat 
Archery Marshals in Ansteorra,

Please remember that your Third Quarter Reports are due no later than 
Tuesday, September 7. 

Please use the online report forms on the reporting page at 
http://archery.ansteorra.org to submit your reports. 

Please be mindful that failure to submit your reports regularly may 
result in your marshallate privileges being revoked.

To all of you who have already submitted your reports, many thanks!

Always in Service,
HL Eadric Anstapa
Kingdom Archery Marshal, Ansteorra
/archery_marshal at ansteorra.org/ <mailto:archery_marshal at ansteorra.org>

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