[Ansteorra-archery] Other fun stuff

Eadric Anstapa eadric at scabrewer.com
Fri Jul 1 18:20:15 PDT 2005

David Ruff wrote:

> I would have guessed that to be the case. I have not seen it written 
> anywhere but i imagine its like the "rules" allowed shooting in any 
> postion - but sitting and kneeling isn't allowed

OK, here we go again.

Yes, the rules for the ROYAL ROUNDS and IKAC say that you can  shoot 
from any position.  Those are unique individual rules that do not 
necessarily apply in any other shoots.  In those shoots crossbows 
compete only against crossbows.  I have never seen anyone told that they 
can not shoot the IKAC or Royal Rounds sitting, kneeling, etc.  If a 
Marshal tells you that you can NOT shoot a Royal Round or IKAC while 
sitting or standing then they are simply not following the rules for 
those competitions and none of the scores from that day should be 
submitted.  If it happens to you then appeal to your local, regional, or 
kingdom marshal as necessary to get it straightened out.

Tournament organizers of other tournaments not have to use any part of 
the Royal Rounds or IKAC rules.

Tournament organizers of other tournaments especially those where 
crossbows and handbows are shooting against one another are perfectly 
free to require that the crossbowmen shoot from standing positions just 
like the handbowmen.  If they want to say that you gotta stand on one 
leg, the left leg, and whistle Dixie while you shoot then it is within 
their prerogative to test to make sure that the competitors can 
multi-task in such a manner.

Ulrich, please stop trying to apply the Royal Round and IKAC rules to 
other situations every time someone tells you that they would like you 
to stand while shooting your crossbow against handbows in their tournament.

> . Altho - changing bows i can honestly see a REAL advantage in that. 
> Especially for those that roll there own.

Well the rules do NOT say anything about using a single bow throughout 
the round so technically I dont see any reason for rejecting a score 
because the archer was using a different bow on the speed round.   
However, I personally kinda have mixed feelings about it.  My gut tells 
me that we should probably have rules asking that people start and end 
the round with a single bow.


HL Eadric Anstapa
/eadric at scabrewer.com/ <mailto:eadric at scabrewer.com>

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