[Ansteorra-archery] Report from the Kingdom Archery Marshal...

Harry Bilings humble_archer at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 12 05:16:52 PDT 2005

humble archer 
Ravens Fort Ansteorra

  Harry Bilings (humble_archer at hotmail.com<mailto:humble_archer at hotmail.com>) said something that sounded like:
  >>   Ammo:
  >>     - APDs: 100+PSI Siloflex and Asgard
  >   Does this mean 100 up to 160 PSI?

  Yep, the 100+ means the 100, 160 and 200 PSI forms that are approved. None
  of the 75/80 PSI forms.


  Phelim "Pug" Gervase   
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