[Ansteorra-archery] An offer to anyone who dares take it.

David Ruff davidsbox01 at yahoo.com
Tue May 24 04:31:15 PDT 2005

I rise to your challenge and if mundane life can find its way to letting me go - i shall see you on the field :)
Yeah - it did get pretty out of control in that thread :( im disgusted, pissed off and am embarrassed over all that... But we live and learn. 
So HL Ironwyrm, i shall see you at Moonshadow (mundane life permitting) to take up a challenge with crossbow. :)

Ironwyrm <hlironwyrm at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
David Ruff <davidsbox01 at yahoo.com> wrote: 
Text snipped -

You question my ability to shoot without sights. Would you care to challenge that on the field? or infront of a crowd? I would be happy to prove my ability with a sightless crossbow if your questioning it in a friendly test of skill. 

What say you?


Lord Ulrich,
I have no desire to become embroiled within the banter of this 
string which I had been following with a certain level of disgust,  
however I do love a real contest of skill.
Was this a private challenge against a crossbowman half your 
skill level or an open challenge "to anyone who dares take it"?
Admittedly my own skill with crossbow is not quite up to your 
RR scores but I would be willing to pick up the gauntlet you 
have tossed.  
Unless of course you care to withdraw the challenge I believe 
the choice of place and time to be mine.  We have already 
discussed the situation at Steppes Warlord privately, so I'm 
sure you shall understand my reason for not choosing that 
event.  So I would suggest Moonshadowe Guardian in the fall.  
The event needs all the champion archers of Ansteorra it can 
muster to attend and compete within it's yeoman tournament, 
and holding the contest there would also help defend the 
archery title from northern invaders whom wish to sack all the 
shire's championship titles and carry them away from our fair 
land of Ansteorra!  
What say ye?
HL William Blackdragon


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