[Ansteorra-archery] RE: free points in royal round - write up on matching

David Ruff davidsbox01 at yahoo.com
Tue May 24 09:21:08 PDT 2005

Hey there Louie!!!! Long time my old friend. 
Dressing the ends is merely sanding the ends of the bolts to flat bare wood. I use 100 grit sand paper to do this with. Yes if you leave ANY sealeron the ends the string WILL jump over/under the bolt and you will get a misfire. this also can be cuased by the string being to small or large - but thats another writeup.
I use tung oil for my bolts and they don't seem to stick at all. Let them dry for about a day on a light coating. When you have the shafts matched lightly rought the shafts down with 000 steel wool or fine sandpaper to take anything off them that would cuase them to stick. I have not had a problem with sticking shafts, but rubbing them down with steelwool after they are dry should take care of this. 
I just completed a set of shafts that were stained rich ebony and sealed in tung oil with white fletch and a white with split yellow tail fletch and they fly excellant before i shipped them.
I well melt the lead or brass - i use both but for the sake of the write up use lead. There should be pleanty of room for about 8 grains of lead before you bottom the shaft out. You can cut the tip of the shaft to add more but i didn't put that in this write up as you will have to use GOOD judgement on how much to cut before you run into tip integrity on the shaft. Remember to you can shave metal off the field point (remember my funky looking tips?) i have found the average field point can lose upto 10 to 14 grains before you start getting into grinding thru the tip walls or head. Some interesting whistling tips can be made this way FYI :)
Hope that answers your questions :) you heading to warlord i hope? if so i will be looking forward to saying hi and maybe tipping an ale that evening with you.

"Travis J." <luminosow at hotmail.com> wrote:
Greetings Ulrich, long time no see!

Thank you for that write up; I have a few question.

"I will also dress the ends for a final roughing up to grab the string."
Could you explain what you are talking about there?

The first time I made my own bolts, I put a wood sealer on them, and they 
tended to 'stick' to the crossbow and the string would tend to jump over the 
bolt, and the bolt would only fly about 10 feet. Once I figured out what 
was happening I had to sand the bottom of the bolts down to bare wood again. 
What exact type of sealer are you using?

Do you melt down the shot? How do you get the shaft good and centered with 
something inside the tip? Cut part of the tip off after shaving it, and 
before weighing?

Lord Lughaidh Mac Sheóinín (Louie)

--- Original Message ----

From: David Ruff davidsbox01 at yahoo.com
Date: Tue May 24 09:36:02 CDT 2005

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