[Ansteorra-archery] Kingdom Archery Marshal report...

Pug Bainter pug at pug.net
Mon Oct 3 21:11:22 PDT 2005

Gilli (gilli at hot.rr.com) said something that sounded like:
> Well folks, Pug just pulled my card for admitting I drank at the archery
> range.  So all you folks who have shared beers with on the various ranges
> through out this kingdom, fess up and take your punishment too.

For those interested my Blackstar report is below. Please take this as
your warning that Alcohol on the range and field is not allowed. This
will also be going to the Ansteorra Announce list as soon as I can get
the re-write of the missile combat rules into the hands of the powers
who be.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Good Morning,

I need to make a policy clarification within the area of archery. There is a
standing policy that there is no alcohol usage immediately before or during
archery activities when you are a participant. I include this to mean not just
the archers, but the marshals and other relevant participants as well. Please
wait until you are no longer participating in any marshal activity, including
target archery, before "popping a top" or whatever your choice may be.

For those of you having problems getting authorized for archery activities,
please check the authorizing marshals webpage for appropriate marshals for
the activity you want. These individuals will work with you to get authorized
but you can not assume they are going to be at a particular place or event.
If this is a new authorization or the marshal does not know your abilities
do not expect it to be a quick and simple process. In particular combat
archery is something that we are particularly serious about because of
different factors in the SCA and a need for a higher level of quality and
safety in order to keep the activity. While this limits the number of combat
archers on the field, I feel it is in the best interest of the SCA and do not
plan on cutting corners or lessening the authorization process.

The feedback from the changes in the Combat archery rules went quite
favorably. The drafts of these changes have been sent to the Earl Marshal
and Crown. As a reminder the changes will be as follows:

- Effective December 31st 2005
  - No wood shafts
  - No golf tube shafts
- 10' minimum firing range
- Tube crossbows are allowed up to 800IP with a 100LB max draw with red
  markings on the right hand prod
- Shafted crossbows are allowed up to 600IP with a 75LB max draw
- Tube bows are allowed up to 40LB max draw with red marking on the top
- Siloflex shafts are now allowed it the following heads:
  - Tennis ball
  - Omarad with 1" of padding
- On fiberglass shafts there are only allowed:
  - Heads: Classic Baldar and 1" padded UHMW
  - APDs: 100+PSI Siloflex and Asgard
- If an archer does not have the appropriate combat authorization they must
  be a non-contact archer with the appropriate markings and distance to be
  called dead

There will be a post to the mailing lists to confirm these changes when they
officially pass into the handbook. As well, resources for how to correctly
make the siloflex shafts will be made available for those interested.

I must announce the following revocations of archery marshal authorizations:
- Robert of Yorkshire until the end of my term for violation of Society
  archery rules. At the end of my term he may seek to be re-authorized if he
  desires to.
- Gilbert Ost Westley permanently for violation of Society archery rules and
  a history of problems following Society and Kingdom policies.

Everyone stay safe out there and shoot well.

Master Phelim Gervase called Pug

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