[Ansteorra-archery] new question

jack spinks jlspinks at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 1 18:43:41 PST 2006

No such thing as a stupid question unless you do not ask it.  And this is an excellent question.  If you look in the bowyers bible you will see some discussion on this subject.  The amount of pull you develop is not linear with distance.  That is the reason for the standardization of 28" of pull. A wood bow is one that you have to be careful with as many are designed for only a certain draw length with many that are for sale having a max draw length of 28".  If you exceed this the bow may either snap or it may take a "set" or curvature.  Many fiberglas bows or reinforced bows can take a draw in excess of th 28" but it varies.  When a bow reaches a certain draw it will also tend to "stack" which means that it will for every additional inch it will take a lot more force to draw it back.  My horsebow draws 35# at 28" but goes to 44# at 30 for example.  
  Now with those cautions in mind- best way to determine bow draw is to use a bow scale and draw it to the length that you need to know about.   Either way- a copy of the bowyers bible would be very helpful to you on this subject.
  Hope this little bit helps.
  Jaque the Spink

Geneva or Tracy Tanner <tanner.g at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
  Trying really hard not to ask stupid questions but this is something I have not been able to fnd out so here I am. 
Your bow reads 30# at 28" I know that it means 30 pounds at a 28 inch draw, But what I do not know is that if you have a 25 1/2" draw how many pounds p er inch do you loose? and if you have a 30 inch draw how many do you gain.

Thank you very much 
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