[Ansteorra-archery] [NR] Norther Region Fighter Practice at Namron Sunday April 15

Tom Johnson tdj_ent at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 14 08:38:36 PDT 2007


I will be able to attend the fighter practice in Namron Sunday.  I am a 
Combat Archery Marshall.  I have yellow rope.  Come on out and let's shoot 
some people.

Aim, Shoot and Be Merry
HL Thomas Quilliam

>From: Mike Gideon <mg1m at swbell.net>
>Reply-To: "Northern Region of Ansteorra - SCA,  Inc." 
><northern at lists.ansteorra.org>
>To: ansteorra-missile at lists.ansteorra.org,Archery within the Kingdom of 
>Ansteorra <ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org>
>CC: northern at lists.ansteorra.org
>Subject: [NR] Norther Region Fighter Practice at Namron Sunday April 15
>Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:09:54 -0700 (PDT)
>I will be unable to attend the Regional practice at Namron this coming 
>Sunday. Combat Archery activities may only take place if there is a 
>warranted Combat Archery Marshal present. That marshal will have to be the 
>Marshal in Charge. Making certain that all safety equipment and precautions 
>for protecting both participants and spectators are followed. Equipment 
>inspection, and a roster of participating archers are necessary. An event 
>report should be filed detailing the activity.
>I hope to attend as many regularly scheduled Regional practices as 
>Yours in Service,
>Michel mac Donnchaid
>Northern Region Missile Marshal
>Northern mailing list
>Northern at lists.ansteorra.org

MSN is giving away a trip to Vegas to see Elton John.  Enter to win today. 

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