[Ansteorra-archery] Ansteorra-archery New ruling

Glenn Long debbnglenn at centurytel.net
Fri Aug 15 05:24:24 PDT 2008

Okay...I have made an arrow/bolt like the one described in the new
ruling....they don't fly very well at all...wouldn't 1.5 inches and
extra strapping tape make the head stiffer than side foam?....which to
my understanding is the whole point of the new ruling. FYI...the new
ruling made it sound like you could just add on side foam to the arrow
you already have built....that does not work....your bolt will be off
balance in one direction or another.
When I build a bolt, almost everything is done linear to the
shaft....foam taping etc. Now....you have one part of the head going
perpendicular to the shaft...I foresee not being able to put my crossbow
bolt on target more often because of this balance issue. They
curve.....I will do whatever I need to do....but it seems like this
ruling was a special, do it now, ruling. I, like everyone else, have
many bolts to redo....I don't want to do it till we have some idea of
what the future holds.
P.S. I talked to Duke Baldar....he is no longer selling Baldars...only
replacing the defective ones. He is working on a new design that will
combine a UMHW with a Baldar tip....hope it passes!

Reinhardt Stahlhelm

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