[Ansteorra-archery] New Ruling for Combat Archery

Paul Thorne paul.v.thorne at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 07:53:39 PDT 2008


   As most of you are aware there is a new ruling by the Society Marshal for
Combat Archery that has been posted several times here.  I ask that everyone
please be patient as we try to work things out for our Kingdom.  I know that
there is some frustration here but let me assure you it's not just us in
this predicament.  We are working with several other Kingdoms to try and
make sure any issues can be worked out ahead of time so we don't run into
problems down the road such as Gulf War.  We are working as diligently and
fast as we can to make sure this gets resolved and we can move on with our
new standards as soon as possible.  I ask for your patience.  If you have
any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you,

In Service,

HL Jean-Paul de Calmont, CAO
Kingdom Missile Marshal
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