[Ansteorra-archery] Newest Attack on CA?

Ken Theriot kentheriot at ravenboymusic.com
Tue Dec 16 21:08:20 PST 2008

<Sir Kenneth, I was actually thinking of emailing you about all this
'stuff'. We have several knights in Ansteorra that are CA friendly>




Just for clarity's sake, it's more than several of us.  *Every* knight and
master-at-arms in Ansteorra who chose to state an opinion came down on the
side of "CA friendly."  Like I said, at least 1 in every 4 of us IS an







From: Susan McMahill [mailto:sueorintx at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:19 PM
To: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Newest Attack on CA?


One thing that I did find rather interesting is that there are a number of
folks who would like to restrict rate of fire, especially from crossbows.
This includes outlawing 'belly-cocking." As most of the combat crossbowmen
and women I know do some sort of what I would call 'belly-cocking,' This
caught my attention. Apparently certain factions believe that this causes a
crossbowman to be able to reload and fire at an 'unacceptable' rate of fire.
It has been brought up, however, that the rate of fire they have been
discussing is historically accurate. There hasn't been a lot more said about
that. These same folks would like to have a restriction in amounts of ammo
available to archers and crossbows. Boy, wouldn't Henry V have loved someone
to restrict the number of arrows that his archers were able to shoot at
Agincourt? Jeeze! Sounds like a bunch of disgruntled Frenchmen to me!
Anyway, this onslaught really caught me by surprise as I had just joined the
SCA Combat Archery list the day all this started. I've been getting about 6
digests a day with up to 25 messages per digest. A little overwhelming, to
say the least. I am hoping it slows down a bit.
Sir Kenneth, I was actually thinking of emailing you about all this 'stuff'.
We have several knights in Ansteorra that are CA friendly so I don't think
that the issue is that great here. As Iaen said, most of this discontent is
from the easternmost reaches of the Knowne World. Hopefully as more of them
become aware of the new rules for CA, they can stop running around
screeching about the sky falling. I guess they live too close to Wall
Street.   <http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w3/ltr/emoticons/smile_wink.gif> 

Well-behaved women Seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:06:07 -0600
From: iaenmor at swbell.net
To: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Newest Attack on CA?

Sir Kenneth, as it stands right now I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Quite a bit of gum flapping by some.  Quite a bit of insult flying early on
and somewhat still.  Some really good talks about some things.  Those are
mostly about crowd safety and netting on the sidelines.  Sir Omarad came on
the list and told all we can discuss away but any changes would have to go
through the Kingdom marshalletes and up the chain of command.  He made it
pretty clear any CA changes asked for would have to go through the SCAM
before anything got to him.

Sir Lyonel has actually been fairly supportive of the CA situation.
Surprised the hell out of me about that.  He is mainly wondering why we have
such ridiculous rules for the archers.  You might want to pop him an email
and get his stance for yourself.  I think as far as I can tell he is the
only knight from Ansteorra that has spoken up in the discussion.  There have
been several others (mostly from the western kingdoms) who have spoken up
for CA also.  Most of the dissenters seem to be from the eastern seaboard

That is my view on what has been happening so far.  Lots of wind and not
much else.

Iaen Mor

Ken Theriot wrote: 

What information does anyone here have on this?  Sir Lyonel just posted this
to the Chiv list.


A number of knights in various kingdoms are pressing, lately, to ban
fibreglass shaft ammunition and allow only 100# siloflex bolts and arrows on
the battlefield. 


I confess that I don't frequent the SCA-wide lists, so I hadn't heard of
this until now.  Does this have a chance?  What is driving this?  Lyonel put
a pool out to our list to get the opinion of our chivalry on it asking just
one question."do you agree with this?"  I don't expect many of the
Ansteorran chivalry to support such an idiotic (sorry.to strong a word?)
proposal.  I just wanted to find out what anyone else might know about it.






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