[Ansteorra-archery] Archery Practice this Sat Feb. 9.

Eadric Anstapa eadric at scabrewer.com
Mon Feb 4 09:11:29 PST 2008

Archery practice in the Shire of Gate's Edge is scheduled for this 
coming Saturday and currently the weather guessers are calling for 
wonderful weather.

For February we will be concentrating on recording scores for the
InterKingdom Archery Competition.  February 1 marks the start of the
31st season of the IKAC.  Ansteorran participation in the IKAC has
fallen the past few years and as a Kingdom we have done quite poorly.
To that end everyone is encouraged to record at least one IKAC score at
our February practice and those recording scores will be given priority
on the range.  If your score is good enough it may even qualify you for
the Archery Grand Exhibition Tournament at Gulf War.  For more
information on the IKAC go to  http://detommaso.org/ikac/

Feb is also the last local Gate's Edge practice for 2 months.  We will 
not have practice in March because we will either all be busy preparing 
for war, or will be off at war, or recovering from war.

Practices start at 11 AM and there is a Potluck meal for lunch.  We will
be shooting and recording scores until everyone is tired of shooting or
it is too dark to shoot.  However, that doesn't mean you should come
late.  If all the archers present are done shooting at 2PM then that is
when the range will be torn down and packed away.  If you then show up
and 2:15PM you will have missed your chance for archery.

Directions to practice and well the upcoming Gates Edge archery schedule 
is  available via


HL Eadric Anstapa
eadric at scabrewer.org

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