[Ansteorra-archery] Feast Crossbow & Table Top Siege Competition at 12th night 2008: Updated

William Black Dragon hlironwyrm at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 2 22:58:59 PST 2008

Greetings Lords & Ladies!  
Just a quick reminder that yes we do plan to hold our 
annual "Feast Crossbow & Table Top Siege Competition"! 
during the coming Central Regional 12th Night celebration! 

Hosted by the Baronies of Elfsea, Steppes and the Canton of
Glaslyn on January, 5th 2008!  On the grounds of the
Richard M. Hart and Johny Morris Conservation Center(in the
Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center) 5550 FM 2495, Athens,
Texas  75752.

This miniature missile weaponry contest not only 
appeals to children but to the child within each of us, 
and is one of our few contests where all ages may 
compete equally together for the right to brag whom is 
the best shot with their mini missile launcher!  

Should you have yet to attend this most entertaining little
contest of skill you have really missed one of the gems of
our 12th Night activities!  
So please plan to come and join us for this
extremely enjoyable and fun little feast weaponry
The contest is currently planed to start at 3PM. 
Sign up shall begin around two-thirty or as soon as
our "List Babe(s)" volunteers deem sign up is ready
to open.
  The competition is open to all small hand held or
  table top devises constructed for the purpose of
  hurling small bits of food stuffs (marshmallows,
  grapes, cheese cubes, veggies, peanuts, etc.) which
  can met the following conditions:  
  1) All devises will be declared within one of two
  categories: "Hand held" - those meant to be fired
  while held in the hand (so called "baby", "feast",
  or "mini" crossbows). Or "Table top" - those meant
  to be fired while sitting on a flat surface (so
  called "baby, "feast", or "mini" trebuchet,
  ballisita, or catapult)!
  2) All feast devises must fit within a sixteen
  inch feast platter (or circle) to be allowed to
  3) All string & prod powered feast devises
  (crossbows and some ballisita) may not exceed a
  draw of ten pounds!
  4) All devises must be capable of firing grapes as
  ammo.  All ammo (grapes only) will be supplied by
  the contest sponsors.  No other projectiles will be

 - All competitors twelve years of age or under
   must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian!
 - All spectators must remain behind safety ropes
   during the competition!

 - All contestants must compete in the competition
   using one "feast weapon" entry only!
 - All contestants must demonstrate to the
   attending marshals that their "feast devise" is
   safe, in good working order, and they can operate
   the devise in a safe & sane manner! 
 - All contestants must lesson for their names to
   be called, absent contestants will be rotated to
   the end of the list once and only once!  Should a
   contestant be declared absent a second time when
   their name is called they will be stricken from the
   competitors list!
 - All contestants shall be allowed to pick twelve
   grapes, six for ranging & practice shots, and six
   for scoring shots.  Any grapes which fly to pieces
   upon firing do count as shots, so pick your grape
   shot wisely!

 - All contestants must remain seated at the firing
   line's table while competing (no standing allowed),
   all mini-siege engines must remain upon the table
   while firing (no hand held siege engines allowed).

 - Maximum target distance will be limited to 15
 - The competitor with the highest recorded score
   at the completion of the list shall be declared the
   winner of the contest!  
Please note there are no loner mini-weapons made available
by the sponsors of this competition, however should another
contestant be willing to loan their weapon to another whom
can meet the above requirements they shall be allowed to
compete in the contest. 

We're looking forward to having a splattering good
time and lots of laughs again during this year's
contest!  Please take note, plastic sheeting or a
good washable cloak is always advisable!  
HL William Black Dragon (called "Ironwyrm")  
Official supervising "Feast Weaponry" Marshal 
PS: I regret to say that it would appear as if both
www.ironangel.com & www.peanutbow.com web sites are down. 
If there is any other means by which to reach either of
these businesses, or if they still offer the "miniature",
"baby" or "feast" crossbows for sale I do not know.  

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