[Ansteorra-archery] A feasibility question

Bridget the Stargazer bridgetthestargazer at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 19 18:04:29 PST 2008

Greetings all,

I have been thinking about this since the discussion started about IKAC and RR versus "fun shoots". I haven't read all the posts and therefore may have missed something that answers this question. If so, please forgive me. Would it be possible to have both IKAC & RR and fun shoots at an event? How much space would be needed? How many people would be needed to run this? Can we have both? I don't have the experience to know the answers to these questions. It may be some of you are shaking your heads and asking "doesn't she realize...?". No, I don't realize, that's why I'm asking. 

Bridget the Stargazer
i’m is proud to present Cause Effect, a series about real people making a difference.

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