[Ansteorra-archery] Namron Archery Practice this Sunday

Ulf Gunnarsson ulfie at cox.net
Fri Jul 25 06:00:58 PDT 2008

Bow Picker Lance wrote:
> If everyone wants to go out around 6 or so when it starts to cool down
> that would be better....but i also know that many want to spend
> sundays evenings at home to get rested up before the work week
> begins....

One of my favorite play-tools is:


According to it, the temperature is actually going to rise between two
and five, so the regular time will actually be better.  Plus the breeze
will be a little stronger in the afternoon, ~10 mph.  So I'm for regular
time, 3 p.m.

But you Crusaders sleep late, delicate creatures that you are, so... :)


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