[Ansteorra-archery] Archery Discussion

Ascelyn of Glentewrde aislyn_glynwyrd_fen at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 3 06:35:58 PDT 2008

I am a CA Authorizing Marshal and I would be happy to help you and anyone else get authorized. Just let me know when and where and we can go over the rules and regulations, etc.
Yours In Service, HLy Ascelyn of Glentewrde Per bend Sinister Gules and Or, a Unicorn Argent and a Rose Proper 

Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 18:14:04 -0700From: brandonsmcd at yahoo.comTo: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.orgSubject: [Ansteorra-archery] Archery Discussion

I have been talking with several of the fighters in the Elfsea area about getting authorized in CA. We think we can put a crossbow together with 10 bolts for around $30. I propose we all ( meaning heavy fighters ) get CA authorized, walk out with swords slung , pop off 3 or 4 rounds, then go back to " warin' " the old fashioned way. I am working on making 10-20 of these cross bows. 50 and 80 pound prods can be had for around $13.... 9 foot lengths of 1/4 in fiberglass rod $6.......1 1/4 in UHMW is $2.50 per foot.... Siloflex APD's are ???? .. Cheap...  My point in all of this being that as a heavy fighters we are (most of us LOL) aware enough not to shoot into the onlookers, capabale of putting togeher the kit, and wasting valuable time that we could be shooting ... STANDING?Waiting? So why not get CA authorized? Gramercy,Lochlan>>SNIP<<That reminds me, I forgot one... do y'all think that the authorization > process is, too hard?  Too easy?> The grass roots grumbling i hear is it keeps folks from getting into to > CA because the initial hurdle is too high...>> what do you think of this contention.>> (If anyone has numbers to his question I'd love to see them)>> Thanks,>> Caladin->
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