[Ansteorra-archery] Archery fun shoot at Samhain!!!

Lawrence huntsmanlance at cox.net
Wed Oct 22 10:36:38 PDT 2008

Just to let everyone know..there is going to be a Halloween themed fun shoot
this weekend at the Samhain event..we might even be able to get a local
marshal to run a quick Royal Round for those who need an away score. There
will be a Headless Horseman..a Dark Gnome..Ghost to shoot out of the air and
a few other surprises. : )  There will also be a refreshment table with
Halloween themed goodies to keep up everyone's energy!

So if you are planning on attending..or perhaps this will encourage others
who weren't planning on making the event to change their minds!!!....make
sure you bring your bow and come visit us down at the archery range!!!

Lawrence of Namron
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