[Ansteorra-archery] Ansteorra-archery Digest, Vol 33, Issue 14

Mike meggiddo at netzero.net
Tue Feb 10 17:21:23 PST 2009

Late Congratulations for Sable Talon.

Any time the issue of CA came up between the two of us, he was oppose to 
combat archery, and this has been true for 10 years. And is how long 
that I have known him.

Michael Kettering

Harry Billings wrote:
> Don't know about the current King "likening" CA but he gave at Sable 
> Talon for CA the last time he was King. He also commanded me to always 
> fight on his side long ago far away.
> plachoya
> Ansteorra
> > Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 18:55:53 -0600
> > From: meggiddo at netzero.net
> > To: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org
> > Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Ansteorra-archery Digest, Vol 33, 
> Issue 14
> >
> > Heilsa,
> >
> .
> >
> > This may NOT be popular with a good many people - but this has become
> > public knowledge, at least up here at Steppes Sunday afternoon heavy
> > fighter practice:
> >
> > He made the following statements back in December 2008:
> >
> > There should be only two type of activities at any SCA events:
> > 1. Tournaments
> > 2 Pick-up fights after the tournaments.
> >
> > In addition - Current King - does not like Combat Archers -He never has.
> >
> >
> >
> > Ld. Michael Kettering
> > Combat Archer for the Condottieri
> > Missile Marshal
> > Heavy Marshal
> > King's Archer
> > Sable Talon for Combat Archery
> >
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