[Ansteorra-archery] Royal Huntsman

Wesley Duke wesleyduke at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 07:13:52 PST 2009


When His Majesty Drake approached me when I was Kingdom Archery
Marshal and said he wanted to create a Kingdom Archery Champion to be
on the same level as Kings Champion for Chivalric and Queens Champion
for Rapier, he stated he wanted to give something to the Kingdom to
help promote archery and add something to our community. He at the
time chose the format he wished to see and the event it was to be held
at. For that first one we had but a short time to get things prepared
and word spread to the Kingdom. We were lucky in that the first Royal
Huntsman tourney was held at Steppes Warlord which historically had a
large number of archers in attendance. The first Huntsman Tourney was
just a IKAC shoot at the request of His Majesty. From that point on it
was left up to the Kingdom Archery Marshal to approach each in coming
Crown to find out when and where the shoot was to be held and to find
out if the Crown had any specific things that they would like
incorporated into the tourney.

As the tourney progressed the Out going Huntsman was involved in
helping selecting format and such. But from the beginning the Crowns
have always expressed there wishes as to what they expect of Their
Royal Archery Champion. Tradition has taken hold with the expectation
that Ansteorra's Archery Champion would be at Gulf War to represent
the Kingdom not only on the field of battle but on the target field as
well if at all possible.

Anyone wanting to be Royal Huntsman should be prepared to be at as
many of the events as possible that the Crown travels to and if not
able to attend ask someone else to to stand in their stead. Remember
you will be considered part of that Crown's enterouge.Tradition has
been that a member of the Order of the Arc d Or be asked to do this if
one is available, and if not the another archer.

To be a Royal Huntsman one should always be prepared to shoot whatever
format that is laid before them. Traditionally the format is not
broadcast to not give an advantage to anyone and the shoot is always a
cold shoot meaning that no warm up is given.

HL Fearghus MacKenna CAO
Hunstman to Drake and Kalee and Duncan and Larissa
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Doug Copley <doug.copley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is this something that could be done when the Tourney is announced so that
> the Crown does not have 20 people contacting them for the same information?
> We know for instance that the Crown really wants the Royal Huntsman to go to
> Gulf War and I am sure that there are other events they would like to see
> them at also. They have so many things going already I hate to throw too
> much stuff at them.
> Vincenti
> John wrote:
>> Laura, as the Royal Huntsman it would be your job to find out where the
>> Crown wants you to be at.  Part of the job description you could say.  Some
>> are quite good at letting you know and others not so good.  You would have
>> to talk to them and find out what their expectations are.
>> Iaen
>> laura Cupps wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Another problem with the current system is most of us don't know what
>>> events the crown will request the huntsman be at until the day of the shoot.
>>> i know that you are suppose to be at all of them, but that is not realistic
>>> for most of us. it would be nice to have whoever is putting on the shoot to
>>> talk to HRM and post what events will be required you be at. i know that HRM
>>> Owen has said that as many as you can get to will be fine but you absoulutly
>>> need to be at gulf. actually he said " you know that whole oath breaking
>>> with vengance thing."   i think it would help if that info was part of the
>>> shoot discription.
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