[Ansteorra-archery] List for newcomers?

Susan McMahill sueorintx at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 14 20:06:47 PDT 2009

Welcome to our sport!


If you have never tried archery before, I suggest strongly that you contact your local group archery marshal and inquire as to whether or not they have loaner gear available for you to use for a while. I recommend that beginners use loaner gear for quite a while as they will go through several different bow weights before they find one that will be comfortable with for a while. I started with a 25# bow, then moved up within a couple of months to a 30# and a 35# bow. I had been shooting for a year when I purchased my own bow, a 27# longbow. Even then, I bought another within a few months, a 42# recurve. As your muscles grow and strengthen, and your ability grows, you will find that your equipment needs change. Having access to loaner gear is a great asset for a beginner. Other archers that you get to know in your group will have quipment that they will be willing to let you try or borrow, as well, on your way to your first bow purchase. Take advantage of their willingness to share. Sometime you will be able to pay it forward, as well.


If there is loaner gear available, you may not need to purchase anything for a while. I would suggest an armguard or bracer for your bow arm, and a shooting glove. These are available at many sporting goods stores. I have bought several from Academy and know that most places have at least a limited selection at this time of year.


Good luck as you take on this new endeavour! Archers are good folk. I have never met a more hosptiable or welcoming group! I'm sure you will enjoy the friends you make as well as the skills you learn.


Lyneya de Grey

Central Regional Missile Marshal

Well-behaved women Seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

> Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 19:49:02 -0700
> From: love at roseandchad.net
> To: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org
> Subject: [Ansteorra-archery] List for newcomers?
> Greetings,
> I am new to archery and I am looking for some kind of list or resource that can tell me what equipment I need to get started, and maybe explain the terms a bit. Quite a few of the links on the Ansteorran archery site (at http://marshal.ansteorra.org/archery/) are broken and most of the rest don't have the information I am looking for, and use vocabulary that's a bit advanced for a newcomer.
> I am just interested in equipping for target archery right now, and I see alot of different information about bows and arrows (can be wood vs. can't be wood, fiberglass or siloflex vs. fiberglass only, etc.), which leads me to believe that alot of this information is outdated. If anyone has any information on where I can find maybe a website or a handbook for newcomers to archery, please let me know. Thanks!
> Rose the Obnoxious
> love at roseandchad.net
> (580) 514-9764
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Through all the world there goes one long cry from the heart of the artist: Give me leave to do my utmost. - Isak Dineso
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