[Ansteorra-archery] Grand Assembly of Archers

Shell Atwood shell.atwood at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 20:07:44 PDT 2009

Greetings to all on this cool September evening!


The first Grand Assembly of Archers has come and gone and all I can say is
WOW! The archery community did itself proud this past weekend and the
support shown by the populace was nothing short of amazing. We had so many
new archers step up to the line that despite having loaner equipment from
multiple baronies on hand, we ran out and archers were stepping in and
loaning out their extra equipment to help!


We had over 150 people come out for Grand Assembly, despite a weather
forecast not in our favor. And despite an amazing number of archers in some
of the shoots, they ran efficiently and (for the most part) right on
schedule. That the event was so successful is due in no small part to the
following people and mere words cannot possibly thank them enough!


HL Gunnarr haukr, our Marshal in Charge, who stepped in late in the
organization process, didn't miss a beat and ran three ranges safely and
efficiently - there are no words to express my gratitude for how smoothly
you stepped in. We couldn't have done this without you!


Lord Vincenti da Murano, our deputy MiC, who organized and collected
equipment, built targets, helped design and run shoots and went crossed-eyed
with us on the schedule.


Our marshals, who were the very life blood of this event - they designed the
shoots, made the targets, provided the prizes and were the driving force
behind the event.  Lady Adelaide verch Dewi, Margherita de Mantua, Lord
Samuel ap Dewi, Lord Cian Rhys Gravenor, Lord Laurence of the Greenwood and
Robert of the Faire.


Lord Ian MacEwan and his tavern staff for keeping us well fed all weekend
despite greater crowds than expected and weather that wasn't cooperating!
Lady Caterina and Lord Orlando for planning and executing the Hafla, and the
drummers and dancers who entertained us so well. And His Excellency Uriah
Wolfstar who came out despite his work schedule to get our Bardic Circle
started and to everyone that came out Friday night and entertained us!


Centurion D'Alder for handling gate, answering all my silly questions and
all his general site help throughout the event. HL Thomas and the heralds,
HL Nicolaea and the scribes, HL Tadhg, his son Trey, and Pooky for
entertaining the children so the ladies could enjoy their competition with
less worry, Tigernach for his assistance with waterbearing, Lord Linus for
being there to help wherever I needed during the entire weekend, our gate
crew and all those that pitched in and helped in a hundred ways, thank you!
This event couldn't have happened without the support of so many and it was
appreciated more than you can know!


Their Royal Highnesses and their entourage for coming out in support of the
archery community. I say to you, Archers of Ansteorra, we owe our Prince and
Princess the archery point at Gulf War next year so get busy at the practice


Their Excellencies Elric and Dominique of Wiesenfeuer and His Excellency
Donnchadh of Namron and the populaces of both Baronies for their unwavering
support of this first time event!


And of course, my co-autocrat Master Ulf, who was willing to take on a brand
new event and a new autocrat, and guided me through the process with a great
deal of patience and a little bit of tough love! Thank you, Ulfie!


My apologies for how long this has gotten and if I have missed anyone,
please forgive me. I don't think I'll get my equilibrium back for a few days


For the marshals of the North and the archers of Ansteorra, VIVAT!

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