[Ansteorra-archery] Warlord missile activites thank you's

William Black Dragon ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jun 4 13:33:28 PDT 2010

Greetings all,

It's taken me a bit of time to recover from Warlord, I hate coming 
home sick from an event, but what a event!  

Where to start...I guess with our marshals in training Arcarius 
James Blackthorn & Arcarius Owen Hell whom helped with most 
of the basic work of setting up the range, moving targets, marshaling 
the contests, toting & fetching, and our take down & pack up.  
We couldn't have gotten through the activities without your hard 
work in some very adverse
 conditions.  Thank
 you both! 

Next thanks to our
 water bearers without whom none of us
have survived out on
 that hot field without
 their good care!  A
special thanks to
 Master Caelin  whom shared his chilled fruit
with us when it was so
 hot on Saturday and we were using up 
our resources to keep hydrated faster than they could arrive.  

Thanks to Ly. Susanna & Sir Lasguaard for quickly carting those 
overcome by the heat up to the hall so they could get some relief 
on Saturday, you were both god sent.

Thanks to local Arc d' Or Jacque the Spink for running our Thrown 
Weapons activities, Children &
 Youth tournaments, and sponsoring 
the Novice archery tournament.  Also much thanks to his wife Ly. 
Symonne whom made, donated and collected largess for all our 
missile contests.  

Our thanks to HRM Jean Paul & Gilyan for bringing their Royal 
Huntsman Tournament to our event and Royal Huntsman Adelaide 
& the marshals of Clan ap Dewi for running that tournament.  

Also our thanks to HE Francesca & the Texins Archery Club for 
allowing us the use of their specialty targets.

Thanks to those whom acted so quickly to set up the stockade 
for our Excellencies' Squire's Duck Hunt (never saw a 8'x50' 
structure rise or come down so quickly), and those whom 
instructed, marshaled, loaned equipment and worked so hard to 
make it happen and such a overwhelming (if too short) success.  
Next time we must allow for more time for this activity as none of 
us had any idea how
 interest there would be!  

Also I'm not sure many have any idea how
 much time & effort 
went into the Duck Hunt nor the folks whom made it happen but 
the list is quite extensive. Pray forgive me should I leave anyone 
out or mis-spelled names: Our stockade builders; HL Jacque, 
Ly. Symonne, Ld. Hugh, Ld.Guyjin, Ly. Alienor, Sir Lasguaard, 
Ld. Herries, Ld. Dunchad, HL Toryn and Conner.  Range set-up; 
Ld. Duncan, Ld. Herries, Ld. Owen, Beth, John, James and 
HL Jacque.  Weapons & range assistance; Ly. Micola, Ly. Colleen, 
Ly. Susanna, HL Toryn, Ld. Caius, Ly. Symonne, James and Ld. 
Samuel. Our "Ducks"; Ld. Dunchad & Ld. Justus.  Transport; HE 
Honur & crew. Conception & financing; HE Duncan.  And our 
special thanks to our kingdom marshals Ld. Asoph,  Ld. Miguel 
and HE Michel for clarifying "What's combat and what's not!".  

Last but not least thanks to all of you whom came to join us for 
our Steppes
 Warlord's missile activities and
 helped it to
it the very
 successful, fun & safe event that it was!!  Thank you 


HL William Black Dragon called "Ironwyrm"  

MMIC Steppes Warlord XXXVII

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