[Ansteorra-archery] Newest Ludicrous Bowman - Samuel ap Dewi

Doug Copley doug.copley at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 04:20:58 PDT 2011

Congratulations to HL Samuel ap Dewi for achieving Ludicrous Bowman status!

This is an unofficial ranking that was started in the Kingdom of the 
East and is open to anyone in the SCA Known World. The status is so hard 
to get that no one has been able to achieve it since September 2009.

It takes an average Royal Round Score of 120 or better and Sam's average 
just passed it and now stands at 122!

Only 24 archers in the Known World have achieved this status since 
record keeping began and now Sam is number 25.

This is truly an amazing feat!

Congratulations again Sam!


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