[Ansteorra-archery] Gulf Wars Range Day?

Ken Theriot kentheriot at ravenboymusic.com
Fri Oct 28 14:38:00 PDT 2011

They are asking for each kingdom to man the whole thing if possible.  It
would be great if someone could also (obviously could/should be a different
person) volunteer to take the TW range.


I'll need not only volunteers to run each range, but also volunteers to be
"staff" for the points of contact.   


I've run a TW range before so again, I'll be there to help out, but I'd
really like to try to try and cover the entire live weapons range on that
one day.  Tuesday is actually a great day for Gen if our volunteers can do
that day. 






ansteorra-archery-bounces+kentheriot=ravenboymusic.com at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:ansteorra-archery-bounces+kentheriot=ravenboymusic.com at lists.ansteor
ra.org] On Behalf Of Scott Mills
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 3:31 PM
To: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Gulf Wars Range Day?


We have never owned the TW range for that day  ebcause we couldn;t get
enough people to own it and man it.  

Just the main archery range.


On 10/28/2011 3:28 PM, Ken Theriot wrote: 

Thanks for the clarification Eadric!


OK, so I'm officially looking for a volunteer to run things at the range for
one of the GW days.  


I will be there and will help out, but since my experience with target
archery and TW is limited (a vast majority of my experience is CA), I would
feel much more comfortable with having someone in charge who has run a range
more than the whole 3 times I have done it.


I'll be at BAM.  If we don't have any volunteers by then, I'll maybe do some
bush-beating there.


If you'd like to volunteer, please send me your names, either to this
address and/or to missile at marshal.ansteorra.org






ansteorra-archery-bounces+kentheriot=ravenboymusic.com at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:ansteorra-archery-bounces+kentheriot=ravenboymusic.com at lists.ansteor
ra.org] On Behalf Of Scott Mills
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 3:03 PM
To: ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Gulf Wars Range Day?


That's is not quite right.

Ansteorra has hosted the range for the past two years on Tuesday.  It has
technically been coordinated by the KAM or whichever deputy he designates.

The Arc d'Or have sponsored a prize tournament  at the end of the day on
Tuesday for the past two years but have not been responsible for the running
of the range all day long.   Lots of marshals have helped.  The first year
for the bulk of the day it was largely the COSS during the day doing the
marshaling.  Last year more involvement from the rest of the kingdom
marshallate with the Ap Dewi's helping an lot and Don Sebastian helping a

If it is going to be done this year there somebody needs to be step up and
be deputized by the KAM to handle the range day for us.

The Ar's have not yet discussed a prize tournament this year, it's something
that I would like to see happen and will contribute to  but right now I am
too swamped to ay I'll re responsible for making it happen.


Year before last I coordinated things for Tuesday.  Last year Leofwine
coordinated things for Tuesday

On 10/27/2011 6:45 AM, Ken Theriot wrote: 

Thanks Engenulf,


Awesome.  Can I get a confirmation on the day?  Also, I'll need one point of
contact name if possible.






ansteorra-archery-bounces+kentheriot=ravenboymusic.com at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:ansteorra-archery-bounces+kentheriot=ravenboymusic.com at lists.ansteor
ra.org] On Behalf Of Michael Wyvill
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 6:25 AM
To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Gulf Wars Range Day?


The members of the Arc d'Or usually run the range one day. Tuesday if I
remember correctly.


On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Ken Theriot <kentheriot at ravenboymusic.com>

We are going to need to run the range one day at GW.  Has anyone already
made plans to do this?  If so, I'll need to know who you are and what day is
planned.  If no plans have been made, be thinking about this and let me know





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