[Ansteorra-archery] [Bonwicke] Fw: Bonwicke Archery today at 2 PM

Frank Schalles francisschalles at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 11:22:03 PST 2012

Lady Aude, Seneschal of the Barony of Bonwicke,

Perhaps I am confused, as I hold a Kingdom of Ansteorra Marshallate
Authorization card issued from the Kingdom
stating I am a Target Archery Marshal, perhaps I misunderstood that this
came from the Earl Marshal's Office.
I have never claimed to be an officer. Why the public personal attack? If
you wish to correct my misunderstanding
of email wording, would not have it been better to contact me privately?
Lady kolfinna has never commented to me
that I am not respecting the "chain of command", we have many private
emails which you are not privy to, and I will
always respect her position as Bonwickes Archery Marshal Officer.

Perhaps one of the Regional Archery Officers could comment if Lord Asbiron
and myself are warranted or not.
Thanks for the clarification, I stand corrected.

Francois de Lions

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 9:49 AM, Seneschal of Bonwicke <
seneschal at bonwicke.ansteorra.org> wrote:

> My Lord Francois,
> I do apologize, but I must correct your attempt at clarification.
> Per page 11 of Kingdom Law, "No person may represent himself as a
> warranted member of the marshallate without authorizatiion from the Earl
> Marshal."
> While Lord Asbiorn and you, Lord Francois are *authroized archery marshals
> *; There is only one warranted Archery Marshall in Bonwicke, Lady
> Kolfinna in Kyrra Otarsdottir.
> A warrant is what makes a SCAdian an officer, and she, as His Excellency
> Gavin pointed out, is ours.
> I do believe that His Excellency's question arose out of your signature.
> You have signed this particular report as:
> "Archery Marshal
> Bonwicke"
> which is a claim, however unintentional, on your part, not only of being
> the officer, but also of originating the office.
> By signing as "Archery Marshall" you claim to be the officer.
> By signing "Bonwicke" as opposed to "of Bonwicke" you claim to be the
> first one of this office in Bonwicke. The claim of first and perpetuating
> official title is reserved for representatives of the crown, ie Landed
> Barons, and Baronesses [His Excellency Master Hakon and Her Excellency
> Mistress Anna for Bonwicke's particular example.]
> It is possible however that his question arose long before your signature.
> You have been reporting these happenings directly to the populace, while
> there is a perfectly capable officer, able to perform that function, if you
> would only respect the chain of command by reporting to her.
> I do hope, Lord Francois, that this helps clarify for you why the question
> was posed.
> If you feel you simply must include the fact that you are an archery
> marshal, from Bonwicke in your signature, I recommend the wording, "An
> archery marshal in Bonwicke" and yes, capital letters count.
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Audra Bez <aud11010 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Bonwicke has 3 warranted Archery Marshals. kolfinna, Asbiorn, and myself
>> - Francois.
>> kolfinna is the Archery Officer.
>> Francois
>> On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Chet Childress <chet1275 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Thank you for the update on the archery, however it does bring up a
>> question.  I was under the impression that Kolfinna was the Archery
>> Marshall for the Barony.  Could someone please clarify.
>> Thank you,
>> Baron Gavin
>> On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Frank Schalles <
>> francisschalles at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Archers!
>> I wanted to give you an update. The forcast for archery practice is 60
>> degrees and breezy. I will be out
>> at the range before 2 PM and we will have practice. Dress warm, bring
>> gloves, and something to drink.
>> 3 targets will be up, I have the loaner bows, and I will bring lots of
>> arrows.
>> See you at 2 PM.
>> Francois,
>> Archery Marshal
>> Bonwicke
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