[Ansteorra-archery] Quarterly Reports

jim hodek j_hodek at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 15 06:56:07 PST 2012

This Quarter ends February 28th, 2012. All Branch Marshals and Marshals at Large, need to be getting their reports submitted as soon as possible as Gulf War is coming up starting 8 March, 2012 so there will be no acceptance of late reports. My Quarterly report will go out on 6 March 2012 and all marshals not reporting by 5 March will be listed as no report submitted.
Branch Marshals please contact all your Marshals at Large and emphasize the importance of getting their reports in on time. All they have to do is report no activity if they haven, marshalled an event or practice.
In Service,
HL Gunnarr haukr
NR Missile marshal  
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