[Ansteorra-archery] longbow class

Karen Calhoun hlykatya at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 28 15:35:09 PST 2012

I took a longbow making class at Woodcraft this past weekend.  The class is 2 full days with a finishing class on the 3rd.  The teacher is Tom Turgeon with Boise Bows and Arrows.
I had a great time in the class and the bow I made is FABULOUS!  I'll have it with me at Gulf Wars if you would like to check it out.  It is a bow that is custom made for me.  It shoots like a dream and is a really good reason for me to set aside my crossbow and go back to shooting bow.  I haven't put it on a bow scale yet but I'm guessing it's around 40 or so pounds.  The bow is made from yellowheart with a bamboo back.
Tom teaches around the country at various Woodcraft stores.  The class is pricey but includes everything but the rasps for shaping.  Take a look at the class and consider it.  I can testify that there isn't much better than a personally-made longbow.
HLy Katya 		 	   		  
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