[Ansteorra-archery] Ideas and discussions for future archery tournaments

Lance huntsmanlance at cox.net
Tue Feb 14 10:39:57 PST 2012

>From the Royal Huntsman thread there are obviously some very different opinions in our community....The future Royal Majesty herself will be on the battle field and wants a Huntsman that will be there at her side....which is completely their Disicion to make!

So lets start another thread about changes that you would like to see in the future....be it from a combat archer or target archers point of view...or if you are both! Lets hear your thoughts and ideas! Every ones opinions are as valuable as anothers and all should be taken into consideration!!! 

Like Shell said we have come along way with both the target and combat archery....I remember the days when it was just 8 people shooting at a hay bale way off on the north forty to now having over 30 adults and over 15 youth and children shooting at a tourney....and look how many more archers are on the field of battle now and the ultimate decimation they are causing!!!

But that doesn’t mean that we should just sit back and not try to constantly improve! 

So lets hear your thoughts! But please remember to keep it civil!


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