[Ansteorra-archery] Split Royal Huntsman

Amber Bayles servalgoshawk at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 14 22:57:43 PST 2012

I think the idea of having a combat archery champion as well as a target archery champion is a great idea. Combat archery and target archery use different skill sets, each valid in its own right. By lumping the two together, I feel that we do both fields a disservice. There is a lot of overlap between the two activities, yes, but as someone discussed earlier there are also a lot of people who exclusively do one or the other. Personally, I feel that requiring a single champion to do both combat and target archery implies that our skills as archers are not really valid unless we prove ourselves on both fields. If you do both, then awesome! Just don't discount those of us who participate exclusively in one activity. We devote too much of our time and energy into furthering our skills for that.

Another sticking point for me as far as the Royal Huntsman being required to do combat archery is the title itself. Huntsman = hunting, which I, at least, associate with target archery, not combat. 

-Faolàn MacCairbre
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