[Ansteorra-archery] We are good my friends!

Doug Copley doug.copley at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 19:20:40 PST 2012

Unfortunately, email is far from a perfect form of communication.

It is actually good to see so much debate about what is "Royal Huntsman" 
and what is not. This Archery list is the place for everyone to voice 
their opinion and to say what they think it should or should not be.

So, I harbor no ill will towards anyone on this list. I did not post 
earlier today because I was in bed sick most of the day.

There are several people on this list that I have butted heads with 
before on issues but the important thing to remember is that pretty much 
anyone that is on here is here because they WANT ARCHERY TO GROW!

If we keep that in mind and approach problems and disagreements from 
that knowledge they become much easier. We are on the same side of the 
issue or debate, we only have a different perspective and way to 
approach it.

With that said ...

Let the debates continue!

Vincenti da Murano
Royal Huntsman, Kingdom of Ansteorra

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