[Ansteorra-archery] Royal Huntsman

John Moore iaenmor at swbell.net
Tue Feb 14 16:26:37 PST 2012

Might want to refresh your memory about the Kings Archer award.  From 
the Ansteorran College of Heralds website about awards.

"This award is given to those who have striven to further their skill in 
combat and target archery, who are involved in the arts and basic 
heraldry, display courtly graces and manners, and chivalrous conduct on 
and off the field. The insignia for this award is a braid of green and 
black silken cords, hung from a brass ring."

It is not but an non-armigerous award for archery.  The next step up 
would the Sable Talon which can be given for any Marshallete activity.  
We really don't see a real split in the different types of activities 
until we get the grants.

Iaen Mor

On 2/14/2012 9:57 AM, jim hodek wrote:
> I have been reading the posts and have seen many good arguments both 
> pro and con for the Royal Huntsman tournament rules and requirements. 
> As stated, in period, the Royal Huntsman would have been the one 
> designated to provide game for the Crown and possibly the armies.
> Perhaps it is time, with the vast increase in number of combat 
> archers in our Kingdom, for all archers to come together and petition 
> the Crown to create a new champion to protect them on the field of 
> battle. Since we already have the Kings Archer award to recognize 
> those who show prowess in target archery, Perhaps a new Champion could 
> be created whose primary duties would be to provide support for the 
> Royals on the field of battle and let the Royal Huntsman concentrate 
> on the Target copetitions. Possibly he could be called the Royal 
> Archer which would cover either the King or Queen if both were on the 
> field of battle.
> I have spoken to several of our Royal Huntsmen and for most the 
> requirements to support the Crown at the target ranges at War and also 
> on the fields of battle is an overwhelming task as many of the 
> tournaments and battles are going on simutaneously and one person 
> cannot be in both places at once.
> A second champion from the archery community could only improve the 
> awareness of all aspects of the archery community.
> Just my two cents worth,
> HL Gunnarr haukr
> NR Missile Marshal
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