[Ansteorra-archery] Royal Rounds at Events

Ld.blackmoon ld.blackmoon at cox.net
Wed Apr 17 16:51:07 PDT 2013


yes as with any group, if we don't constantly add new people, and retain our older people, we will slowly or sometimes not so slowly die : (

you miss the point of making bows as prizes... ( more period equipment )  they may have a very nice modern bow , but how many of them have a very nice period selfbow ??? with period arrows ??
and I personally wouldn't spend the time , energy, and money , to build a nice laminate or Osage selfbow to give to a novice archer, I've seen way too many novice " prizes " wind up unused in someone's closet or garage.
many people are so possessive of " things " that they would rather they rot in a shed , than be used by someone else : (
I want to build bows for people that will use them on a regular basis, as well as appreciate their monetary value (  a decent 40 # bow with antler or horn tips can go for between $300.00 and $600.00 easily  )

yea, we have ikcac target practice in conjunction with our archery and thrown weapons practices. we have a couple ca people that come out pretty regular for that : )

yes, too thin on the rings, and it is a pain to keep just 1 growth ring, too thick and it is more likely to break .
so far I have one ready to polish Osage orange self bow, and one bamboo backed ipe that I'm still trying to tiller in my copious quantities of " spare " time ...
I tried a light weight hickory bow, but like a lot of the white woods, it decided that it wanted to helicopter. after untwisting it 3 times, I gave up, and used the wood in the smoker : )

Be Safe , Be Happy, Have Fun .
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Patrick R 
  To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:26 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Royal Rounds at Events

  While I believe you are completely correct that we need to be seen more than just the people over there on the range. At our events I am always there on Friday setting up the range and helping another half dozen pavilions for the event. It is not so much the more shooting time for the regular archers that concern me the most. It is having time to introduce new people to archery who may never have considered it. We bring our loaner equipment for that exact purpose (sometimes people use them to compete) and for me it is the most rewarding part of the event. I grade our success not only in how many we had compete but more important, how many new people have we turned on to archery. 
  Recently we have been having some luck having rapier fighters practice at the park the same time we have archery practice and it is great having people go back and forth. Since we conduct or practices at a YMCA park we get a lot of walk up interest which hopefully translates into new archers as well as SCA members. It is much easier to get new people to go to PIP if they see some of the other things we do.
  Good luck with your bow building, it takes awhile to be consistent with your bows. I am not sure what you are using for your wood, be it a cut plank of something more natural but the wood selection is more important than anything else. I am still learning and my mentor shows me more and more each time. Some day I will be able to pick wood half as good as her. I like the idea of gift baskets but unless you are doing it for a novice event most people who will win are going to have a better bow then we can give them as well as their own arrows, etc. I do like the idea if we have a form of group competition the winning group can get a prize to add to their loaner gear. We need not limit our prize baskets to events, I like the idea of giving small pieces of equipment to new shooters who impress us the most. Just some thoughts.

  From: Ld.blackmoon <ld.blackmoon at cox.net>
  To: Patrick R <tex_yankee2004 at yahoo.com>; Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra <ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org> 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:21 AM
  Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Royal Rounds at Events


  your right in that missile activities need to have better presence at events, but not just by having more shoot time.
  the throwers and shooters need to be more visible. 
  entering a&s items, working set up / take down / gate /autocrating / holding offices other than just missile marshal / wearing missile related garb / etc .
  part of the problem is to a lot of people we are still seen as " those people over there "  not " the missile comunity " or even " the archers " because we as a community don't go out and do things very often.
  if your local event  or kingdom event doesn't have archery ( for whatever reason ) we should be jumping on the chance to go and help as a group ( gate / parking/ clean up / feast / nobles luncheon / something sponsored by the missile comunity ) if its a colegium event teach classes on missile related things . be seen as missile participants helping the local group and the sca. 
  i started learning to make bows in order to someday start giving them as prizes in our title shoots. ( i don't think i'm good enough yet , but i'm getting closer. )
  we as a group are usualy very good at making our own gear ( quivers, arrows, bolts, arm guards, etc.)  why are these not in more prize baskets ??

  anyway , i better go gotta get ready for class

  Be Safe , Be Happy, Have Fun .
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Patrick R 
    To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra 
    Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:59 PM
    Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Royal Rounds at Events

    Last fall we had our first Royal Round as part of our fall baronial. It helps our Baron is an archer and wanted to include Royal Rounds in the scoring to determine the finalists. We were given the ground we needed and it all went well. Of course that is not the normal since most events have a time schedule that gets all messed up right after morning court. While I enjoy running tournaments, the most rewarding thing to me is the open shooting time we include in our events. With our loaner equipment people will stop by and try archery for the first time and in many cases be hooked on it for good. We are lucky to have several marshals as well as visiting marshals who volunteer to help since the range is running most of the day. We invite people to complete Royal Rounds during the open shoot and to my surprise it is not that difficult to incorporate. My point is include an open shoot time and if you have the land (and some marshalling help) it is fairly easy to include Royal rounds most of the day. 
    As a community we need to become more of a presence at events. Push it at the gate and pester the Heralds to push it during the event. Have people walking around with bows and getting people to come to your open shoot. Since we are the priority for most events we lose the time battle. Every time court runs long by either an overly talkative crown, late arrival or hung over we are the event that suffers. I try to push to have an open shoot time before the tournament just in case since if we are scheduled to run 10-12 and court was runs an hour over causing us to start at 11 we are still expected to be finished by 12 in many cases. I have been to events where the competition was reduced from two hours to one because of time and another that was cut short because one shooter was needed to go to the Noble’s lunch (he did not want to go but they forced the completion to end) and the irony is the event was a bear pit that ran less than an hour and a half. If we become a presence we will get more respect and more resources at events. If you are running an event please put out a notice and ask if there are any marshals who would like to help you on the range. 

    From: Kathy Goeke <kathygoeke at yahoo.com>
    To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra <ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org> 
    Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 1:22 PM
    Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-archery] Royal Rounds at Events

    Greetings Archers,

    I haven't been active for a while due to other obligations, but I'd like to offer my perspective and perhaps an idea or two. 

    Space is always an issue for archery events.  We either have to be way out of the center of activity if we want to "keep to our own schedule," or be willing to be boxed into the time frames of other events if we want to be right in the mix of things.  Many sites, including Castleton where I have run/helped run several events, barely have enough room to adhere to safety protocols. While I'd love to see more of our archers on the RR list, I would prefer not to have to shoot a short course and enter zeroes just to get on the list.  I don't think that represents us in the best light.  

    Archery tournaments, by their very nature, take up a lot of time.  In the best of situations, it's nearly impossible to attend an event as an archer, and still have time to participate in or spectate events on the rest of the site. Court may very well be the first time during the day we get to mingle with everyone else.  

    Despite our best attempts at trying to format tourneys designed to integrate players from other venues, it seems that many players are NOT trying to be jacks of all trades. They attend to fight, or fence, or shoot, or socialize -- but don't try to do it all in one day. In BG we've offered RR on Sunday mornings and no one showed up. Let's face it, after the crush of the day that Saturday always is, who has anything left to give on Sunday, other than clearing site and getting home to crash.

    I think one of our problems is that the events where you are most likely to find archery are "all or nothing" outdoor events that include every form of mayhem we offer in the SCA.  Not all Society events are like this, though.  There are events specifically for A&S, Kings College, dance, feasts, etc. 

    Why not offer more events that are strictly archery events?  I know the calendar is very full already, but this could have several advantages:

    1. Ranges and range spaces are available that, while adequate for archery and RR, wouldn't have to accommodate every manner of pavilion, yurt, horse trailer, and parking that a full event does.  Since the draw would be mainly for archers, perhaps only a portion of a site would need to be reserved, rather than an entire park.  

    2.  Scheduling would be easier as all the other site events wouldn't have to be coordinated around each other. 

    3.  Participation could be increased since players wouldn't have to choose between myriad activities all in one day.

    4.  Event could offer workshops on arrow-building, bow making, shooting techniques and lessons, etc.

    Just my two cents,

    Former Branch Marshal of Bryn Gwlad

    "I love deadlines.  I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

    From: Doug Copley <doug.copley at gmail.com>
    To: Archery within the Kingdom of Ansteorra <ansteorra-archery at lists.ansteorra.org> 
    Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:43 AM
    Subject: [Ansteorra-archery] Royal Rounds at Events

    Not as many being shot: Why? 

    Several years ago I remember going to an event shooting Archery, doing thrown weapons, having fun. In the evening we would go to Court and people would say "Oh, did you you guys just get here?" they would announce the Archery Champion and people would say "There was Archery?"

    This was all because we were put as far away from everything as possible. Another problem with this was that we would rarely get waterbearing support, when we put people in for awards people would say who are they and why don't they come to events?

    Over the last several years we have worked to move Archery and Thrown Weapons closer to the main activities and Archers are now being seen and recognized.

    Now the problem is that since we are up at the front we can't setup the range and leave it operating all day. We are being given a 2 hour time frame for adult and 1 hour for children's shoots.

    We have to be aware of the site layout and the schedule of activities. Would it be nice to have more Royal Rounds shot . . . Absolutely!  Now we just have to figure out how:-)

    Maybe moving the range back away from the main center just a little bit (will this hurt what we have accomplished?)? Allowing some time early Sunday morning, 9am to 11am? Accepting, that we will not always be able to shoot RRs at events?


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