[Ansteorra-archery] Archery as a Peer area under A&S.

Frank Schalles francisschalles at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 07:48:17 PDT 2013


As Archers we continue to hone our skills and our art of Archery. We
should be recognized for our efforts. There have been some discussion
on other lists, SCA wide, as to what we can do to educate the Peers in
A&S that our art (Archery) is a valid area to be considered for
elevation to peerage.

We make period clothing, construct period bows and arrows, and we
shoot period contests.
How is this different than making a period dress, making a period box,
or performing a
period dance?

The SCA ArcheryGuild-Period group is in the process of defining it's
core mission statements, and
it has been suggested that one of our goals should be to promote
Archery to the kingdom Peerage communities as a valid A&S area for
peerage award.

As Keeper of the Royal Rounds - Ansteorra, and a promoter of period
Archery, I have formulated a path that shall lead to the education of
the A&S peerage that they should consider what we do, just as worthy
as other A&S areas.

How you ask? By entering every bow that I make, every set of arrows,
every quiver, brace,
glove, garb, and string into the A&S contests. You make these already,
why not get credit for it?
And I will concentrate on the kingdom published events for more
Kingdom level exposure.

The next set of arrows that you make, make them to win the shoot and
to win the A&S contest.

Yours In Service
Ld. Francois de Lions,
Keeper of the Royal Rounds, Ansteorra
Central Region Archery Marshal, Ansteorra

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