[Ansteorra-archery] Making Target Stands and Butts

Wayne Law dragonlaw1 at gmail.com
Wed May 22 13:56:57 PDT 2013

We were able to get the compressed rice straw mats (the square ones) for
$100 each.  If the butts can stay in place (no need to transport), then the
bales of straw cinched down to a pallet works really well.  Cinching them
down tightly compresses the straw enough that it even stops the crossbow
bolts.  Need some good cinch straps though, and that is where your cost
will come in.  3 bales for each butt doesn't cost that much.


On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Amber Bayles <servalgoshawk at yahoo.com>wrote:

> I'd like to have actual target butts and stands for Bjornsbog. Anyone who
> has put their own together, how did you do it and how much did it cost? I
> will be putting a proposal together for my baronial populace meeting at the
> beginning of June.
> -Faolan MacCairbre
> Bjornsborg's target archery marshal
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