[Ansteorra-chirurgeon] Its cool cloth time of the year again!

Sue Delk ladydds at centex.net
Mon Apr 5 08:41:43 PDT 2004

This is a great idea.  There's nothing worse than "fighter funk" after they have been fighting all day.  But, you also need to remember to use only a very subtle scent and have the option for "unflavored."  Some people are very sensitive to scents (asthmatics, etc) and some are allergic to certain essential oils.  A good "earthy" scent for men is rosemary (a couple of fresh rosemary branches blanched in boiling water and added to the water works well) and mint is always refreshing and easy to find.  

Good luck....

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Medicfem at aol.com 
  To: ansteorra-chirurgeon at ansteorra.org 
  Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 11:32 PM
  Subject: [Ansteorra-chirurgeon] Its cool cloth time of the year again!

  I noted this last weekend that the temperature has really started to rise again in our wonderful Ansteorra. 
  I really could have used some cooling rags. Does anyone have some scented recipes for soaking some much appreciated "cooling rags"?  I am sure we have all tried a few different variations of a warriors favorite treat coming off the field.  Anyone want to share?
  I am always afraid of putting vodka or alcohol in it because they rub their faces, but I do think they are really nice scented. It improves the moral and smell about the list field as well as keep the ladies near their lords instead of running in fear from the stench!

  Curious to what works,


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