[Ansteorra-chirurgeon] Re: info

richard hall arkellvomcophus at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 22 12:24:18 PST 2005

Good Gentle,
 As Gulf War XIV Chirurgeon, my 1st ? was to the Autocrat Master Morgan of Osprey (Alan Camplett NREMT-P) who was also the Autocrat to be our onsite ACLS. He is a Paramedic Supervisor in Mississippi and his Medical Director has been willing to cover everything he does at GW. We have been very fortunate to have him supporting us while still being autocrat.
Lady Caley (Penny White EMT-P (TX)) was GW XIV Chirurgeon Supply Coordinator and also happens to work for me back here in Ansteorra as one of my Deputy Kingdom Chirurgeons and is in charge of training.
Lady Caley was also our GW dispatcher on SAT morning and even before I had gotten on scene with Mr Myers SAT morning she got me a third set of chirurgeons (just incase when you hear chest pain & SOB) for man power along with the O2 (which was needed) and AED for me to use. And as soon as I had done my initial assessment of Mr Myers she got me all of the additional resourses I requested from Master Morgan to  calling 911 and even worked with the watch to clear the needed roads to allow the Ambulance in  and out of site as rapidly as possible. 
More than anyone person (the sum is far greater than the individual parts by themselves), and both Master Morgan & Lady Caley did play important parts. I believe it was the chirurgeonate and the system we have in place at GW along with the support of the Watch (traffic control) and the Head Muckie Mucks that let us set up the system we have.
As the initial chirurgeon on the scene and as GW War Chirurgeon,  I know there were many others both on the watch and the chirurgeonate that played a part in making for a very successful outcome for the patient. 
I will be passing this on the them to allow them to contact you directly if they feel the need.  I am also cc this to the chirurgeonate list so others can here your praise.
Herr Arkell vom Cophus, MC
Kingdom Chirurgeon, Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra
GulfWar XIV War Chirurgeon and Gulf War XV Deputy War Chirurgeon (as of this moement)
Richard W Hall RN, Licensed  Paramedic
Texas Army National Guard EMS Training Coordinator
PS So if you are a  FF/EMT-I when are you going to turn in your paperwork to be a member of the Chirurgeonate here in Ansteorra??
Prohero <prohero1 at charter.net> wrote:

Dear Sir
My name is James Strickland, my SCA name is Dunstan act Sancte Petrokes 
I and my lady Laura Strickland were camped with Loch Ruadh for the 
duration of this years war.

On Wednesday night. Laura developed a problem with her breathing and 
Chirugeons Morgan and Kaley, I don't know
their mundane names, attended to her and helped her through this 
difficult time. 
Morgan also assisted a dear friend of ours on Saturday, Kurt Myers, 
during his cardiac incident. I am pleased to say
he is being released today from the Hattisburg Hospital and should be 
home soon.

If there is any posibility, my wife and I would like to write a note to 
these two for their exemplary work. I am in the
public safety profession, (FireFighter, EMT-I, 25 years) and know that 
we professionals appreciate correspondence
from patients we have come in contact with.

Is there any way you can give me their email addresses, postal address 
or some way of contacting them directly?

<removed for safety>

Any assistance you can lend would be appreciated.

And by the way, if you can enlist their skills in the future, please do 
so, as one professional to another.

James Strickland
Arlington Fire Dept
Arlington Texas

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