[Ansteorra-chirurgeon] Fwd: Re: [KC] Fwd: Please post to thechirurgeon's list

Crandall crandalltwo-scalists at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 9 10:22:24 PST 2005

Of course people like Caelin will take his baldric off to immobilize something with the baldric. 
We made the rules that we follow in the Chirurgeonate. We can change them. 
Tradition exists because it was something that worked and we liked it. 
Titles can change, but their meanings thrive. 
The BOD exists to serve the SCA and the Corporation, which is us. 
The SCA does not exist to serve the BOD. 
Those of us who remember Ansteorra, Inc. will do well to think on this. 
Crandall, I Wanna Be an Ol' Bag 
p.s. Remember that the Waterbearers use similar structures and titles. 
"When they came for them, I was not one of them and I said nothing." 
"When they came for me, no one was there to say anything." 

Lancaster Community <lcai_lcai at yahoo.com> wrote:
I think all of the non-basic supplies were in
individual possession.

Will this mean that we simply have to take off our
baldrics if we need to do anything other than put a
bandaid on or immobilize something?

Annalies, Got a Warrant
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