[Ansteorra-chirurgeon] Event reports

Susan Delk ladydds at verizon.net
Sun Jul 1 13:26:34 PDT 2007

Greetings Chirurgeons of Ansteorra,

    I have just received word from Katrei, our Society Chirurgeon, that the BoD does not want any type of report to be done online, including event reports.  We haven't been doing incident reports for a while per their orders, but the newest change is that they no longer want event reports either.  So everything must return back to paper record keeping.  Chirurgeons at large, that means when you are a CiC at an event, you must turn in the event report (you keep a copy for your records) to your Regional Chirurgeon so they can have an accurate account for their reports to me.  Also, incidents involving serious injuries, transports, and injuries to children must be turned into your Regional Chirurgeon with a copy to the KC.  This has not changed and should still be happening as we speak, right?!
    Thanks for your patience in all of this, ladies and gentlemen.  If you have questions, please contact me at ladydds at verizon.net or call.  Thanks.

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