[Ansteorra-chirurgeon] Ode to Waterbearers

Susan Delk ladydds at verizon.net
Sun Sep 9 08:30:44 PDT 2007

Posted with the author's permission.  He wrote this at Gothic Wars.


ODE TO WATERBEARERSFor days when sunshine beats down on your faceand all your tries at hiding are in vainyour camp, you see, is not a shady place
and prayers are met with reddened skin in pain.Your lips are dry and chapped and cracked and sore.Your throat is parched in need of something wet.What fool thought summer good for Gothic War?You'd beat him, but you're dehydrated yet.
But who is this approaching now with jugs?**An angel bringing water, snacks in tubs!

It is a water-bearer! By God's Grace.
And in her arms is drink, your thirst to wane.
You hated pickles; now you love their taste;
ambrosia tepid water puts to shame.
It matters not to them if you are poor,
or if their work with money can't be met.
In thanks and health these people place much store.
Good gentles now methinks our task is set:
To keep them happy is our solemn call.
We need our water-bearers, one and all!

The bearers of water be praised
while they are at work not at laze
For without them we'd die (though for sooth you may try),
as for me, all their names I will raise!(composed at Gothic War XVI)

In service to The Dream,
Cuillioc "Quill"  /|\
Titled Bard of the Barony of Bonwicke and Mendershamshire 

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