[Ansteorra-marshals] July Round Table Approaches

alister rousseau alister.rousseau at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 18:58:19 PDT 2016

Alister MacRoger  214611 exp. 1/31/18 not sher if this was what is needed.
just trying to keep warrant good
Greetings Marshals,

Round table is a few short days away and I still need to hear back from
some of you on or before Wednesday the 13th of this week so that your
warrant can be renewed.

- Authorizing Marshals:
Please check the lists on the Kingdom webpage (
http://marshal.ansteorra.org/AuthMarshals.htm) and select your area(s) to
see if your name is 'flagged'.
If your name is 'flagged' it is for either a missing/expired membership
and/or background check. [[Background checks are only required to work with
our Youth]]

- Knight Marshals and Rapier Marshals:
Emails have been sent or Regional Marshals have been contacted. If you have
not heard from me by now, please make sure that I have your information for
the Kingdom Roster.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you all for your service!

- - - - - - -
In service to the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra,
HL Simha bint Yusuf

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