[Ansteorra-marshals] July Round Table Approaches

Kajira Camber kajiracamber at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 06:34:43 PDT 2016

Just go to http://marshal.ansteorra.org/ and click on authorizing marshals
link and click on which format you should b e authorized in.  They have to
have your membership expiration info/number.I do not see you on the list.

Kajira Camber

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 5:47 AM Knight Marshal <
marshal at steppes.ansteorra.org> wrote:

> Hello, i'm the current Barony of the Steppes knight marshal. I wanted to
> make sure I was in the system officially because i never actually filled
> out a form but was told it was taken care of by our seneshal to make me a
> marshal. I do not know how to find out for myself if I am listed in the
> system. Let me know what needs to be done. Thank you.
> Eric Gardner
> SCA: Diderik (or Diderich) von Schatten
> Member #: 224223
> Exp: 12/31/16
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