[Ansteorra-marshals] July Round Table Approaches

Jean Paul de Sens jeanpauldesens at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 06:43:30 PDT 2016

Diderich, please reach out to Count Crepin, who is the new Central Regional
Knight Marshal.  He should be able to help you work through the paperwork
to get things done.

Jean Paul
Earl Marshal.

Qui mieux fait, mieux vault.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 5:47 AM, Knight Marshal <
marshal at steppes.ansteorra.org> wrote:

> Hello, i'm the current Barony of the Steppes knight marshal. I wanted to
> make sure I was in the system officially because i never actually filled
> out a form but was told it was taken care of by our seneshal to make me a
> marshal. I do not know how to find out for myself if I am listed in the
> system. Let me know what needs to be done. Thank you.
> Eric Gardner
> SCA: Diderik (or Diderich) von Schatten
> Member #: 224223
> Exp: 12/31/16
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