[Ansteorra-marshals] Complete Thrusting Tip Experiments text

Brandon McDermott brandonsmcd at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 27 08:39:23 PDT 2016

Complete Thrusting Tip Experiments text

Experiment Name:   "#1 EXPERIMENTAL THRUSTING TIPSAKA ""SINGLE LAYER"" THRUSTING TIPS ONE HANDED WEAPONS" START DATE: 7/26/2016 END DATE : 1/26/2017 Before any unapproved weapon or material can be used at Society activities, a test plan and a sample of the proposed weapon or material must be submitted to and approved by the Society Marshal or a designated deputy. This plan shall include:  1) Specifics on construction (e.g., materials used, how it is assembled, etc.)  When EXPERIMANTAL SINGLE LAYER thrusting tips are used, they shall be at least the same diameter as the shaft of the weapon they are mounted on and have at least .375 (That is, 3/8 ) inch of resilient material in front of the rigid tip of the weapon providing at least .1875 (that is, 3/16) inch of progressively resistant give across the face of the thrusting tip. (Note: Pressing with the thumb into the center of the thrusting tip is not an adequate test. The give must be across the entire face of the tip.)  2) A detailed outline of the test and its scope.  Open to all authorized heavy combatants, this experiment is designed to determine the safety of "single layer" thrusting tips on one handed weapons only by all levels of the heavy fighting community. These tips will be allowed at all official practices and tournaments provided they are propperly marked, opponents are made aware of the experimental tip, and opponents have accepted their use. This experiment shall run a minimum of 6 months.    3) All restrictions that will be imposed on the test.  Experimental thrusting tip #1's use in melees shall be determined on a case by case basis by the Kingdom Earl Marshal, The Kingdom Experimental Deputy, and/or the Marshal In Charge. No additional restrictions beyond those found in the SCA Martial Handbook.  

START DATE: 7/26/2016 END DATE :  1/26/2017  Before any unapproved weapon or material can be used at Society activities, a test plan and a sample of the proposed weapon or material must be submitted to and approved by the Society Marshal or a designated deputy. This plan shall include:  1) Specifics on construction (e.g., materials used, how it is assembled, etc.)  When an EXPERIMENTAL "NO TIP" thrusting tip is used, there shall be a single heavy leather disk at least the same diameter as the shaft of the weapon they are mounted to. The tip of the weapon itself should have rounded edges and slightly curved ark avoiding the creation of sharp edges or over-rounding of the tip, causing a concentration of thrusting force into a small area.   2) A detailed outline of the test and its scope.  Open to all authorized heavy combatants, this experiment is designed to determine the safety of "no layer" thrusting tips on one handed weapons only by all levels of the heavy fighting community. These tips will be allowed at all official practices and tournaments provided they are propperly marked, opponents are made aware of the experimental tip, and opponents have accepted their use. This experiment shall run a minimum of 6 months.    3) All restrictions that will be imposed on the test.  Experimental thrusting tip #2's use in melees shall be determined on a case by case basis by the Kingdom Earl Marshal, The Kingdom Experimental Deputy, and/or the Marshal In Charge. No additional restrictions beyond those found in the SCA Martial Handbook.   ____________________________________________________________________________ 
Thank you,
Duke Lochlan Dunn Ansteorra Experiments Deputy
experiments at marshal.ansteorra.org

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