[Ansteorra-missile] Baldar Blunts

Eadric Anstapa eadric at scabrewer.com
Tue Apr 22 16:37:56 PDT 2003

Greetings Everyone,

I want to try and get an idea of exactly what the impact of the recent
Baldar Blunt ruling is.

If you have Baldar Blunts that you have purchased I would appreciate a short
private email letting me know how many blunts you purchased.  Just out of
curiosity I would also like to know when you purchased the blunts and who
you purchased them from.

I know pre-war there were some large group purchases for War companies and
the such.  I would appreciate it if to avoid an duplicate counts if just the
person that actually ordered/received the blunts straight from the supplier
would contact me.

Thanks in Advance,

Lord Eadric Anstapa
Kingdom Archery Marshal, Ansteorra
eadric at scabrewer.com

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